Sunday 11 March 2018

MRT 1 vs LRT3

The purpose of this post is to demonstrate how overpriced is MRT 1 when benchmarked against LRT3 despite both systems were build to carry same amount of passengers.

MRT 1 train & LRT3 train can both accommodate 1200 passengers & 1207 passengers respectively. If LRT3 were to emulate MRT1's frequency , both would be able to carry 20,400pphpd

Therefore, apart from construction cost, only difference btwn both appears to be L & M in the acronym.

We start with the official costing :
  • MRT1- 41km elavated & 10km underground - RM21bil 
  •  LRT3 - 37km elevated & 2km underground - RM9bil
Then we 'normalize' both. Basically we assume both MRT 1 & LRT3 consist only of elevated portion. This enable us to do an apple to apple comparison.

To do that, we assume that both underground portions are 2x the cost of elevated portion.
  • MRT1- 61km(41+20) elevated line - RM21bil 
  • LRT3 - 39km(35+4) elevated -RM9bil
So now we can calcuate cost per km for both MRT 1 & LRT3. 
  •  MRT1-RM344mil/km 
  •  LRT3- RM230mil/km
Therefore , MRT1 would have cost RM14billion using LRT3 as benchmark. That is RM7billion of wastage. Using a 20 year govt bond at 5% interest, RM7billion savings at project outlay means we save RM700million(coupon+principles sequestered) every year for next 20 years.

Lastly ,MRT shldn't be build in the first place. Govt shld have opted for BRTs which cost 10%-20% of cost of an MRT, provides sufficient capacity & connectivity as MRTs.

We better off using the savings here to expand public healthcare , public education & put more cops on the streets. This are areas we desperately need to expand, plus it creates the jobs we desperately need to induce wage increase & reduce youth unemployment & graduate underemployment. I intend to explore this later on.

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